Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April 22nd-26th Drawings

I've started running into people at Casbah Cafe. Last week I ran into a high school classmate of mine there that I haven't seen since we graduated almost 11 years ago, and this week I ran into a friend of mine. It's kind of awesome, actually, since I think that living in Southern CA can sometimes give you this feeling of anonymity and isolation - but in certain areas, that's just not the case.

These drawings were mostly done at Casbah, and are a mix of stuff done from life and from my head - the pseudo naked people and strangely dressed individuals are from my head, so no, there wasn't some guy swinging from the ceiling of Casbah wearing a jock strap.

By the way, I saw Kick-Ass. It was awesome. It has led to many a geeky discussion between me and some of my friends, which is arguably the mark of at least a decent comic adaptation. It also left me pumped and wanting to draw, which is always a good sign.

1 comment:

i wish i had a penguin friend said...

I want the guy in the 2nd from the top! Yes please!!!

These look great :)