Thursday, May 6, 2010

May 6th coffee shop drawings and... the beginnings of the first pages of the comic book!

I didn't draw that much at coffee shops this week, because I was actually doing some work on the comic! I've been in turnaround land for months and months, and culling references, and after having a little talk with my brother where he doled out some much needed slapping around/encouragement, I sat down and started doing some thumbnails for the first page of the comic. It's going to be a lot of work, but man, is it fun! The last two drawings on the bottom show what I've been working on so far - a very rough thumbnail of the first page, and a page where I was roughing out the posing of one of the characters - you can't have enough drawings of people waving, I must say...

The coffee shop drawings are from Literati - and, once again, there was a very attractive guy there who I, once again, didn't talk to. Even though he kept looking at me. Sigh.


i wish i had a penguin friend said...

woo hoo! The comic is coming together! Can't wait to see the progress :)

Zayo said...

Thanks for the nice comments! :)

I can't wait to see the comic come together, too ;)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your art. Maybe next time just smile at him and lock eyes a couple of times? Of course I was a wretchedly unsuccessful single person, so who knows if that's good advice or not. And, no, I'm not working (for money in post) these days, either.

Zayo said...

Thanks for the nice comment, anonymous. :)

Your name didn't come up in your comment - who are you, anonymous?

Unknown said...

Another cool post:)