Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Land of Unemployment...

I like being unemployed, but then I hate it. It is by turns exciting and frustrating. Exciting because, hey, it was my choice, and I feel like my career has more potential to be fulfilling then ever before. Frustrating because, well, I don't have a job... and I want one! It'd be nice to have an income again. But then, I hate stress. So, it is nice to have a break from that - even if it is an unpaid, indefinite one.

In other news, I have a date tonight. My dates of late have been consistently good - one dude I was not physically attracted to, but he was at least interesting. Another guy has yet to call me back. I think, from checking out the way he changed his profile after the date, that he didn't like my crazy leftist ways. It wasn't like I said, "revolution now !" or something, I try to avoid such things on first dates, but in one of my preliminary emails to him I said I liked "leftist" docs, and when he asked me if I had ever had run-ins with NYPD when I was in New York I said, "No, but, I'd read about them". Even though I followed that up by telling him that they had seemed pretty chill around Washington Sq. Park, I think because his dad is a cop, and he said he respects policing, he didn't appreciate it. Anyway, he was cute, nice and smart, so I am somewhat saddened. But, it's cool.

1 comment:

i wish i had a penguin friend said...

whoa!!!! a blog! I loves it!

I know... I wish i met more guys in real life, but the ones that I do meet in person first tend to be drug addicts, married, or totally batshit crazy

at least the worst I get with online dating is "nerdy"


I would maybe, possibly like a break from work, too. I actually miss my unemployment days